Featured Article of the Week

“I would find out much later that the police officers and paramedics had directed Michael to take our son to the emergency room for drug testing.  Despite Michael and Dianne’s assurances otherwise, the paramedics had concluded I was most likely under the influence of an illicit drug that might harm my son.  Drug -induced psychosis was something they saw all too often and had no other explanation for my behavior.”

This is a quote from Jennifer Moyer’s book – A Mother’s Climb out of Darkness – She wrote this book because she is on a mission to bring hope and inspiration to families facing mental health challenges.

Jennifer gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy.  Life was good, until it was not.

What could have caused a healthy newly postpartum mother to become so delusional?  What could have caused her to go from happy and tired new mommy to someone who had to be forcibly admitted to the hospital?

During our interview, Jennifer tells us how her life changed drastically just 8 weeks after giving birth.  She told me that out of nowhere she began to have a sudden fear that someone was trying to harm her and take her baby.  She was afraid to talk about these fears to her husband.  They kept her up for 3 nights in a row.  Without any sleep period, she became delusional, was hospitalized and here is where her story becomes very scary.

Listen to the struggles that Jennifer went through after being diagnosed with postpartum psychosis.  Follow her on her journey to healing and recovery from a very dark period in her life.

Previous Articles

Operation Lactation

Kristine Keller, BS, IBCLC owns a private practice in Austin, TX and it is called Operation Lactation.  She has been an IBCLC since 2010.  Kristine is married with 2 mostly breastmilk fed boys.  She tells us that she had a miserable time breastfeeding.  It was hard...

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I am not boy-lingual

"I am not "boy-lingual." Have you ever had the pleasure of meeting a Father of 8 children, who is also a midwife and a Board Certified Lactation Consultant?  I know it may seem quite different, perhaps odd and perhaps weird to some.  This is why I receive such joy out...

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Special Announcement

  No one likes to be alone.  Alone in their studies.  Alone in their business.  Alone in their newborn mothering.  Being alone can be very lonely. All About Breastfeeding is finally answering your call for help.  In response to the many inquiries for assistance in the...

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Sarah Fletcher Story

  Sarah Fletcher is a twenty six year old mom she is a two time surrogate. She is from Oklahoma City she has breastfed two babies these two babies and she has breast fed her own nine year old daughter. Background history: Sarah tells us that grew up everywhere....

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About Lori Jill Isenstadt, IBCLC

  Lori J. Isenstadt, IBCLC   I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) I have spent much of my adult life working in the maternal health field. When I became turned on to birth and became a childbirth educator, there was no stopping my love of working with families during their childbearing years. I became a Birth doula and a Postpartum doula and soon became an IBCLC. I founded my private practice, All About Breastfeeding where I meet with moms one on one to help solve their breastfeeding challenges. I have taken all my years of experience and now Host several Mastermind groups for students   and for IBCLCs. In addition to hosting the All About Breastfeeding podcast, I am founder of the All About Mothering membership site which, helps moms navigate their journey from conception through their postpartum days. I am also an international speaker and author.
You can reach me by email at: allaboutmothering@outlook.com
All About Mothering membership site:               http://www.allaboutmothering.com/
All About Breastfeeding Student Study Group  http://www.allaboutmothering.com/mastermind-student/
All About Breastfeeding IBCLC Private Practice Group:    http://www.allaboutmothering.com/mastermind-ibclc/
All About Breastfeeding Mother's Support Group:           http://www.allaboutbreastfeeding.biz/support/
The New Mother Survival Guide -                                 http://www.allaboutmothering.com/fourth-trimester-ebook/

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