colicky babies

Mom soothing her colicky baby

Tammy Roecker, LMT, CD, CBE, CIIT/CIMI, CPT posted some excellent tips for parenting a colicky baby. She has given me permission to post her info on my blog. You can find out more about Tammy Roecker, by going to her website which is listed below.

My first daughter had colic, so this is a tender subject for me!! It led me to become a Certified International Instructor Trainer for the International Association of Infant Massage and a Certified Infant Massage Instructor.

I will put some tips to try for you, as a friend, and for the mother too:

For Mom:

You can do this routine 3 times in a row, and do that 2 times a day…or if you notice colic happens at a certain time every day, try this routine an hour before that time to try and prevent it, if it is random colic, try this routine when the baby is in a “good mood” or active alert state:

Some times it helps to talk to other parents who have gone through, or are going through the same thing….here is a support group:

Hope something here helps,

Tammy Roecker, LMT, CD, CBE, CIIT/CIMI, CPT
20100 N 51 Ave, F-640
Glendale, AZ 85308