New Mothers are always in control of their feelings
Well, the answer to that question is yes for some new mothers, however, I venture to guess there is a lovely percentage of new mothers who become teary-eyed as they try and answer that question.
Women of every culture can develop postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. Postpartum is the single most common pregnancy complication for new mothers. Feelings of anxiety, sadness, anger, trouble eating and sleeping are all some of the signs of postpartum mood disorders. Some mothers experience these symptoms from slightly to an excessive degree.
Kathleen Tendall-Tacket posted this interiew on her facebook site and I am sharing this podcast with you.
Perhaps you can find some uninterruped time to listen as it really helps the listener understand that this is a common issue. Perhaps you are suffering in silence or you know of someone who is. You will learn from this podcast that you are not alone, you are not crazy and there is help available.
Review these links to look for help: A Mother’s Center group offers opportunities for discussion, connection and the sharing of our stories with other mothers in a safe, non-judgemental, nurturing environment.
Mothers’ Centers offer opportunities for discussion, connection and the sharing of our stories with other mothers in a safe, non-judgmental, nurturing environment. Being a part of a mothers group can reduce the isolation of new motherhood and help you to socialize with other moms. Each center is run differently and meet at various local libraries, community centers, schools, etc. Listen to this podcast for more info about Mom-mentum.