Nursing Bras? Good Fit? Actually, yes!

If you are planning to breastfeed your baby, a nursing bra is one of the essential items that will help make breastfeeding easier and convenient for you.    What should you be looking for when searching for a good nursing bra?  Here is a list of some important options you will want to keep in mind during your search. 

Some of the most common styles are made so that you have easy access by:

While the bras that have you pull the cup aside to allow access to your breast are frequently found in nighttime nursing bras, that don’t have the same support as a daytime bra, some of the better bras that have daytime support utilize this technique also of pulling the cup aside so you can just slip your breast out.

When is the best time to be fitted for a nursing bra?

Optimally this will be near the end of your last trimester. 

Here are some links for information about the Bravado nursing bras and Fancee Free nursing bras.  A professional bra fitting is helpful to assure the best fit.  If you are local to the Phoenix, Arizona area, call Lori at 623-362-2511  or feel free to email me at  to set up an appointment for a bra fitting.  The benefits: